A panel of 36 eminent jurors from across the United States selected the top photographs from over 5,200 total submitted entries at PPA headquarters in Atlanta, GA. Judged against a standard of excellence, 2,654 images were selected for the General Collection and 625 were selected for the esteemed Loan Collection—the best of the best. The Loan Collection images are published in the much-anticipated “Loan Collection” book and over 200 selected General Collection images are published in the “Showcase” book by Marathon Press.

All accepted images will be on display at the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee, January 19-21, 2020. This International Photographic Exhibit is held in conjunction with Imaging USA, an annual convention and expo for professional photographers.

Dennis had one of his images accepted into the prestigious Loan Collection, and three of his images accepted into the General (Merit) Collection. He will awarded the Silver Photographer of the Year medal at ImagingUSA. Dennis will also be awarded the degree of Master of Photography at the Awards & Degree ceremony.